SEO Tips that you just must do

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You know, it’s not that hard when it comes to search engine optimization, very often it’s not because of the complexity of it but rather your laziness. All you have to do is to spend some time reading some SEO tips over the internet and implement what you learn to your exisiting website and you should be able to see results shortly. Below are just a few tips you can easily follow:

Content is King – well, you see this all the time, people always say content, content and content. So make sure you have unique and original information on your website. Do it on a regular basis (the more you write the better) and write it from the bottom of your heart, don’t need to copy others and don’t write garbage.
Backlinks – you know what it means right? It means other websites use a good and related keyword phrase as the link and point it to your website. Well, you hear build a network of quality backlinks all the time and guess what, i personally think that’s not necessary because if you have a good content website and people will link to you regardless. Yahoo and Google for instance, have ton of websites linking to them, do you think they spent time going around and asking people to link to them?

Title Tag – i dont know about you but Title Tag seems to be the most important thing to me. Whenever i create a website, i make sure i have good title that relates to what my website or webpage is all about. One tip is that you want it short and concise, you will be surprised how smart the search engines are nowaday, they can easily detect what you are trying to say and decide if you should be found. So let’s make sure it’s keyword focused.

H1 – yes and yes. Make sure you highlight the keywords of your webpage with H1 tag. You should have H1 tag on every page with unique heading about the page, the reason being that the search engines very often look for this tag and compare it to the title tag and your content, the more relevant keywords or phrases to your site information, the better.

CSS – tables are good but it’s limited when it comes to arranging what part of the content is more important. By using CSS, the possiblities are unlimited, for example, you can move all your standard menu and links to the bottom of the file, so when it’s viewed by the search engines, they will read your content first, but when it’s viewed by human, you will see that it’s laid out properly.

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